NymphsFlies fishing under the surface imitating subadult insects |
962 |
Dry fliesFlies fished in the surface |
851 |
Stream fishingAbout fishing in running water |
794 |
StreamersLong, slender flies that often mimick small fish |
650 |
BeadsFlies with bead heads |
571 |
Wet fliesFlies fished subsurface, often tied with wings |
459 |
CaddisWidespread and common insects AKA sedges - or Trichoptera in Latin |
439 |
SaltwaterFishing in the salt |
425 |
Salmon fliesFlies for Atlantic and Pacific salmon |
344 |
Deer hairThick, spongy hair from all kinds of deer |
314 |
FoamClosed cell foam, foam bodies, foam cutters |
308 |
CDCDuck's arse feathers |
308 |
MayfliesA type of flying insects with aquatic larval stages. AKA Ephemeroptera. |
293 |
Baitfish fliesFlies that look like small fish that are eaten by big fish |
270 |
MidgesReally small flies |
268 |
Pike fliesFlies for pike, musky, northern pike - the fierce northern hemisphere predator |
266 |
EmergersTying and fishing imitations of the emerging insect |
259 |
Sea trout fliesFlies for sea run brown trout |
255 |
TerrestrialsInsects that ought to stay on dry land |
241 |
Tube fliesFlies tied on plastic or metal tubes rather than hooks |
230 |
TropicalAbout fishing the warmest parts of the world |
222 |
New ZealandNorth and south island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean |
216 |
JigsBeaded flies tied on jig hooks. Meant to fish hook-up. |
192 |
Shrimp fliesFlies that look like the tasty decapods, so high on the menu of many fish |
191 |
Salmon fishingRegarding the salmon of the world - Pacific or Atlantic |
179 |
Brown troutSalmo trutta - the most commonly fished fish in the world |
174 |
Steelhead fishingChasing the chrome sea run rainbow trout |
169 |
Zonker stripsRabbit strip flies, zonkers, zonker wings |
164 |
TroutContent about the most popular fish worldwide |
157 |
Tying techniquesLearn new fly tying skills and tricks to make your flies better looking and more durable |
149 |
Rubber legs and tailsAll things rubbery, wiggly and squirmy in fly tying |
148 |
Lake fishingFishing in stillwater like freshwater lakes and ponds |
142 |
Parachute hackleHorizontal hackles wrapped around a post |
135 |
WinterFishing in snow, ice, frost |
130 |
DestinationsPlaces to go fishing |
127 |
UV-resin, epoxy and LCR'sGlues and resins that harden - including the smart ultraviolet (UV) light activated UV-resins, AKA Light Cured Resins (LCR's). |
127 |
Articulated fliesFlies in several sections |
124 |
Sea trout fishingThe silvery sea run brownies |
118 |
BonefishAlbula vulpes - the ghost of the tropical flats |
117 |
Soft hackles and spidersSpider flies, soft hackle wet flies |
116 |
Rainbow troutOncorhynchus mykiss |
112 |
Stoneflies |
110 |
Steelhead flies |
106 |
FlatsFishing the tropical flats - and flies for it |
103 |
Bass fliesFlies for smallmouth and largemouth |
101 |
Coastal fishingFishing the ocean from the coast |
94 |
Lake flies |
94 |
BuggersFlies tied in the Woolly Bugger style with a bushy tail and a palmered body hackle |
93 |
Hackle |
91 |
MuddlersFlies made from spun deer hair |
86 |
Fly tyingCreating your own flies from feathers, hair and much more |
82 |
Bucktail |
81 |
Buzzers |
81 |
TarponMegalops atlanticus |
78 |
HoppersGrasshoppers, crickets and other terrestrials |
75 |
Tying materialsAll the stuff we use for our flies, feathers, fur, hair, synthetics |
74 |
Two hand rodsAKA Spey rods - primarily for salmon, sea trout and steelhead fishing |
73 |
RedfishA favorite gamefish in the southern US |
72 |
Mountains |
65 |
Crab fliesFlies that imitate a quarry that's a favorite with many saltwater predators from cod to permit |
65 |
Hair wingsMostly salmon and sea trout flies with hair tied in in bunches for the wing. |
65 |
South AmericaPatagonia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and much more |
64 |
Intruders |
63 |
IcelandThat rocky, fiery, fishy north Atlantic island |
59 |
GraylingThymallus thymallus |
57 |
Pupae |
55 |
Cone headsCones, disks |
55 |
EyesDumbbell, bead chain, mono, stick-on |
55 |
DubbingTying material in messed up bunches - natural and synthetic |
55 |
NymphingThe method of fishing a nymph |
54 |
Carp fishingA freshwater fish par excellence. By some called the poor man's bonefish. |
53 |
Bonefish fliesFlies for the elusive fish of the tropical saltwater flats |
53 |
Boats |
52 |
Scud fliesFresh- and saltwater "shrimps" - gammarus, crustaceans, amphipods |
50 |
Poppers |
46 |
Conservation and environmentAbout the effort to conserve nature, fish and fishing |
44 |
DenmarkThe small Scandinavian country with the great sea trout fishing |
43 |
CastingDouble hauls, tight loops, nice arcs, precision and distance |
41 |
Pike fishingPike (Esox lucius), Musky, Northern Pike, the northern hemisphere toothy predators |
39 |
Tying tools |
39 |
Panfish fliesFlies for pumpkin seed, bluegills, sunfish and such |
37 |
Carp flies |
35 |
Grayling flies |
35 |
SedgeAbout tying and fishing sedges |
34 |
BeetlesTerrestrial insects with hard wing cases - AKA Coleoptera |
33 |
TenkaraThe super simple Japanese fising gear, flies and technique |
33 |
Permit fishingFishing in the tropical salt for the finicky permit - Trachinotus falcatus |
32 |
Brook troutSalvelinus fontinalis |
30 |
HairA universal and popular fly tying material |
30 |
Egg flies |
29 |
Redfish flies |
29 |
BambooAbout building, maintaining and fishing bamboo rods |
28 |
Arctic charThe beautiful trout of the north |
28 |
Bass fishing |
28 |
AntsAnts AKA Formicidae are very popular for trout fishing on windy summer days |
25 |
Permit flies |
25 |
Spey FliesClassical Scottish salmon flies |
25 |
Striped bassMorone saxatilis |
23 |
BeginnersAimed at beginning tyers and anglers |
23 |
EquipmentAll the nice gear we need to own |
22 |
DIY materialsDo it yourself, home made materials for your flies |
22 |
RodsThe rods we use for our flyfishing |
22 |
ImitationsFlies that look like the real thing |
21 |
KayakSmall and fast vessels to fish from |
20 |
YarnKnitting yarn, wool, cotton, synthetic, Antron, egg-yarn |
19 |
Tying threadUni-Thread, Veevus, Danville, Monocord, synthetic, silk, gel spun, Kevlar, denier |
18 |
KnotsConnecting lines of all kinds |
17 |
AutumnWhen leaves turn brown and winter gets closer |
17 |
Stillwater |
16 |
Hatchesinsects coming off the water |
16 |
Cutthroat |
16 |
VisesFly tying vises - AKA vices |
16 |
Bass bugsVoluminous flies specifically for bass |
15 |
Catch and release |
14 |
Float tubesFishing sitting in an inflatable ring |
14 |
Do it yourselfabout making things yourself |
14 |
Golden DoradoThe renown South American golden hunter |
13 |
Rod buildingRod building for the beginner and the seasoned craftsman |
13 |
FurSkin, zonker strips, hair wings, dubbing |
13 |
Fly linesAll about the lines used for fly fishing |
13 |
Spinners |
12 |
AfricaFishing the warm continent |
12 |
ShowsFly fishing, tackle and dealer shows |
11 |
Tarpon flies |
11 |
Giant Trevally |
10 |